
What are your top priorities?

WHAT matters most to you in Hackney? The borough’s Scrutiny Councillors need to know your views.

From prevention of crime, to traffic, to health and education, we want to know what your top priorities are, as part of an annual survey to shape the next year’s Scrutiny agenda.

Scrutiny Commissions are made up of Councillors who work across party political lines to investigate issues of local concern, and they need to know what Hackney residents want to see reviewed from June this year.

The Commissions need to know which of the following issues Hackney residents and businesses consider most important:

Employment and the local economy

Education services for children and adults

Services for Older People

Affordable housing and quality social homes

The local health service

Making the borough safer and addressing fear of crime

Keeping Hackney clean

Cultural, sports and leisure facilities

Pride in the community

Public transport and traffic congestion

Good Scrutiny plays an important role in the development of better policies and improving performance, and can hold the Council and outside agencies to account, including police and the health service.

Last year’s residents survey put prevention of crime at the top of the list, and so the Children and Young People’s Scrutiny Commission investigated ways of preventing young people from getting involved in crime.

To take part in the anonymous survey, visit email or contact 020 8356 3341