
Have your say on Hackney's Local Plan

Hackney Town Hall

Residents can help shape the future of the borough by having their say on Hackney’s Local Plan – a blue print for development in Hackney up to the year 2033.

With continued growth and affordability of housing and workspace top of the agenda, the Local Plan – known as LP33 - sets out a series of planning policies to guide and manage development and investment in the borough. It will help to ensure that development serves the needs of the borough and will allow the Council and local people to influence development.

The draft plan is available for people to feedback on now. It follows an earlier consultation in November 2016-January 2017, to gather initial thoughts on the priorities for the plan.

Some of the key proposals include:

  • Requiring all residential developments to contribute towards delivering affordable homes
  • Greater protection for existing industrial land and the designation of new industrial spaces
  • More affordable office space in the south of the borough, where rents are highest – with new development providing discounted space at 40% of market rents
  • Re-designating Hackney Central as a major town centre, to encourage further retail growth and investment
Hackney’s draft Local Plan is an ambitious and bold document that describes what type of new development could be appropriate for our neighbourhoods. It talks about the facilities and infrastructure that a growing community needs and attempts to ensure that new development will make a positive contribution to the quality of life in the borough.

Hackney continues to change rapidly and not all of this change is for the better. Leaving the market unchecked to developers can see inappropriate development, it can drive up rents for housing and workspaces, and any investment into infrastructure can be piecemeal and fragmented. So now is the time to review the borough’s Planning and Land Use policies and make sure that development in Hackney is built for our future and not that of the market.

Please do feedback on the draft LP33, this plan really will make a difference to the Hackney of tomorrow.
Cllr Guy Nicholson, Cabinet Member for Planning, Business and Investment

Take part in the consultation by visiting consultation.hackney.gov.uk/planning-regulatory-services/draft-local-plan-2033/ pick up a copy from libraries or email planmaking@hackney.gov.uk for more information.

The consultation is open until Monday 4 December. Consultation on the final version of the plan is programmed for later next year before the Plan is considered by an independent inspector appointed by the Government.