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Broadway Market opens for trade on Sunday

From this weekend Broadway Market will be open for business on Sundays as well as Saturdays following a trial and feedback from residents, customers and traders.

Hackney Council approved a second street market trading day for Broadway Market, which will allow food traders and florists to operate on Sundays. 

The number of traders operating on the Sunday market will initially be capped at 20 for the first few months before undergoing a review to determine whether or not it could be expanded. Saturday’s market comprises more than 150 traders selling a variety of commodities.

Trials of a second trading day, launched to support street food traders during the pandemic, took place from October to December 2020. This saw a six-week trial of a Friday market and the six-week trial of a Sunday market.

An engagement survey with residents, customers and traders was then conducted to determine whether an additional trading day was wanted and which day was preferred. A second market on Sunday was decided based on the feedback.

Cllr Guy Nicholson, Deputy Mayor and Cabinet Member for Housing Supply, Planning, Culture and Inclusive Economy
"Broadway Market becoming a two day street market is a real signal that Hackney’s economy is reopening and truly starting to rebuild after the last 19 months of lockdowns and uncertainty. 

“Broadway Market is renowned for quality and variety in a great high street filled with quality businesses. All of whom have been working alongside the Council to bring about the introduction of an additional day's trading to provide a great opportunity for Broadway’s local traders and businesses. Importantly the vast majority of residents, local businesses and traders who took part in the engagement survey were in favour of this additional trading day which will be carefully managed to ensure that there is no adverse impact on the local neighbourhood."

Cllr Guy Nicholson, Deputy Mayor and Cabinet Member for Housing Supply, Planning, Culture and Inclusive Economy

Broadway Market, situated between the Regent’s Canal and London Fields, has been home to market traders since the 1890s, providing a unique mixture of stalls offering fresh produce, authentic street food, original clothing, arts and crafts.

More information

For further updates follow @MarketsHackney on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook and visit the Hackney.gov website. You can also follow Broadway Market on Twitter.

Shop online with Broadway Market traders at https://broadwaymarket.co.uk/virtual-saturday-stalls