
Request a review of anti-social behaviour cases


Victims of anti-social behaviour (ASB) can now ask the Hackney Community Safety Partnership to review their case if they consider that no action has been taken.

If a resident has reported three separate incidents of ASB in the last six months to the Council, Police or registered social landlord and they consider no action has been taken they can contact the Council to ask for a review.

Not only can a victim contact the Council through the scheme, called Community Trigger, but it can also be used by any person on behalf of a victim such as a family member, carer, councillor, MP or other professional.Once a review is underway there will be meetings between the agencies that received the initial ASB reports, such as the Council and the Police.

The meetings will be chaired by senior Council officers and the history of the cases will be examined.Each agency will review their actions and, if required, consider how the matter can be resolved. A comprehensive plan detailing actions taken will be provided, and if necessary, clear areas for improvement or other ways to deal with the ASB.

Cllr Sophie Linden, Deputy Mayor, Hackney Council
We understand that anti-social behaviour can have a huge impact on the lives of those affected by it. The Council already takes every report of anti-social behaviour seriously, and we aim to ensure an issue is resolved as quickly as it’s possible to do so. Now, if any resident considers that no action has been taken by either the Police, their social landlord or the Council they can contact us and ask for their case to be reviewed.
Cllr Sophie Linden, Deputy Mayor, Hackney Council

If the resident is not satisfied with the response they can request a further review from the Head of Safer Communities for Hackney.

This new scheme is in line with a requirement within the new Anti Social Behaviour, Police and Crime Act 2014.Hackney Council has worked closely with colleagues in other boroughs, Police and registered social landlords and the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime.

To request an ASB review through the Community Trigger contact:



0208 356 3310 and ask for Community Trigger