
Photography project gets snapshots from Hackney’s youth

Hackney Homes held a photography competition last month to capture the views of young residents living North East of the Borough.

Residents aged seven to fifteen from Joseph Court estate, were given disposable cameras and asked to comment on and take photographs of what they like and dislike about their local area.

Comments included a love for their outdoor gym; many also mentioned they would like more games and activities available for young people on the estate.

The project team will collate all the suggestions received and review with residents and the local Tenant’s Residents Association (TRA).

A photo exhibition of the young residents' work will be displayed on the estate on 14 June 2013 where the winner will be announced.

Rupert Tyson MBE, Chair, Hackney Homes Board
It’s great to see our young people diligently applying themselves and getting involved with issues that matter to them about where they live. We continue to work closely with our young residents to hear their views and suggestions for future improvements.
Rupert Tyson MBE, Chair, Hackney Homes Board

Chizoma Campbell, youth worker involved in the project from the not-for- profit organisation Voice of Youth said: “Where the blocks are separated on the estate, the project brought the young community together. They were very opinionated, open and willing to help make a difference to their community.”