
Hackney Council signs 10:10 agreement on carbon emissions

On Tuesday 1 September, Hackney Council becomes one of ten local authorities from across the country to unite behind one simple idea: a 10% cut in carbon emissions during 2010. It’s called 10:10, and we want everyone to be a part of it.

The success of 10:10 depends on getting everyone involved in making it happen, and the 10:10 website has all the tools you need to pass the message on far and wide. Visit and sign up now.

Councillor Sophie Linden, Cabinet Member for Sustainability, said:

“Cutting 10% in one year is a bold target but for most of us in Hackney it’s an achievable one. By signing up to 10:10 we’re not just promising to reduce our own emissions – we’re becoming part of a national drive to hit this ambitious goal in every sector of society.”

It’s easy to feel powerless in the face of a huge problem like climate change, but by bringing everyone together to take action collectively, 10:10 enables all of us to make a meaningful difference. It’s the perfect opportunity to find out what’s possible when we work together.

We need to start spreading the word to every corner of the country, inviting our friends, family, colleagues – everyone we know – to take part.