
Passing Clouds made an Asset of Community Value

Philip Glanville, Mayor of Hackney
I’m pleased to confirm that Hackney Council has decided to make Passing Clouds an Asset of Community Value. I hope this sends out a strong message about the cultural value of our live music venues, and how we as a Council will seek to protect them.

Passing Clouds was a unique venue with an exciting, creative yet community feel to it. In many ways it has become a victim of its own success; venues like it were the catalyst for the resurgence of Dalston’s night life, which has made the area such a profitable place for developers.

Sadly this doesn’t mean that it will be able to reopen immediately – ACV-status only offers groups the opportunity to express an interest in buying a property if the owner plans to sell it – but I hope it serves as a boost to the campaigners and sends out a message to the owners of the building that this venue and the community that developed around it is important and should be considered in any future plans.
Philip Glanville, Mayor of Hackney
