
New urban meadow blooming at London Fields

Wildflower meadow London Fields

Sun-seekers down at London Fields were able to take a walk on the wild side this week as the Wildflower Meadow was reopened to the public.

The beautiful meadow, which is Hackney’s largest ever wildflower site, was in full bloom when the fences came down on Monday. It had been fenced off by Hackney Council in the spring to improve the soil, sew seeds and give the plants a chance to become established.

The opening was then delayed by an invasion of fat hen, an edible relative of spinach, which took root over the summer, stifling the flowers. Following a massive weeding operation, the fat hen has been removed allowing the meadow to thrive.

Cllr Jonathan McShane, Cabinet Member for Health, Social Care and Culture, Hackney Council
It’s great to see so many residents out enjoying our urban meadow. I’m sure it’s going to become a much-loved feature at London Fields.
Cllr Jonathan McShane, Cabinet Member for Health, Social Care and Culture, Hackney Council

The meadow is sown with annual and perennial flowers so will be returning next year. It provides a rich habitat for insects, birds and Hackney residents looking for somewhere to relax in the sunshine.

Twitter users have been actively sharing images of the meadow. Join the conversation and add your snaps of the meadow with the tag #Londonfieldsmeadow.